Bar Sizing

Get the BAR sizing from Telescan

The ¹BARs ( Base Address Registers ) has a specified size assigned to them from the donor device, to make our DMA firmware look like the real donor card we will also copy the sizing

Now we can see the sizing:
(Write this down)

If a bar ends in:
01 = IO
04 = 64-bit
0C = 64-bit, prefetchable

The bar after a 64-bit bar (ending in 04 and 0C) is always FFFFFFFF

If you want to insert your BAR0 data into pcileech_bar_zero4k.coe, it won't work if you set BAR0 to 01 (IO)


Repeat this with all BARs, write down what each bar has in sizing


When the firmware is finished and flashed to our DMA, the address will not be the same as the real donor device. This address is assigned by the donor device and it's driver.

¹There is no way to get same address as the donor device to my knowledge, so the sizing will have to do for now

Next step